Friday, March 5, 2010

501 (c) 3

It has been a long time since I've blogged...

At the end of December SELAH filed for 501 (c) 3 status and we got it on February 9, 2010! SELAH Social Services is officially a non-profit through the gov't!

January 27, 2010 was the one year anniversary of my mom going to be with Jesus. Wow...time flies? I couldn't even believe that it had been a year! I know that she would be so encouraged though that SELAH has become her dream!

Right now SELAH is focusing on forming a board of directors and meeting with individuals and businesses in our community to become donors and partners! It's a very exciting time :D

Don't forget to become a fan of SELAH Social Services on Facebook & follow us on Twitter at @womenofselah!


Monday, December 7, 2009

SELAH fundraiser night at Chili's in Buda!

**Help fight breast cancer one woman at a time!**

Come support S.E.L.A.H. on Thursday, December 17th, from 4pm to 10:30pm at the Chili’s in Buda, TX

Chili’s Buda will donate 10% of your final check to S.E.L.A.H. All you have to do is go to the Chili’s in Buda on the 17th and present this flyer to your server. Then have fun, enjoy a great meal, and pay! Chili’s will do the rest!

SELAH Social Services

*Supporting Every Life & Allowing Hope*

Our mission: To strengthen women who are fighting breast cancer and do not have access to health insurance by providing support, resources, and opportunities to promote life and hope through the work of Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 3, 2009


We officially have a name for the non-profit. The word "Selah" has been on my heart a lot over the last few months and while I was spending some time thinking about it on Monday, I realized that is perfect for the non-profit. The word "selah" is kind of a mystery word that a lot of bible scholars aren't too sure about the meaning of. Most tend to think it means "completed" or "amen", it is also used to portray peace. Selah is used a lot in scripture in the Psalms.

After studying and looking a the word "Selah" I think it is going to be an acronym. We brainstormed several statements explaining the mission/vision and this was the one that stuck.

SELAH social services
"Supporting Every Life & Allowing Hope"

Please let me know what you think or if you have any ideas :)

The recipe collection is going well and I plan on starting to type them into the database this week!

"Cooking for a Cause" here we come!!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

A post from Chelsea

Hello everyone,

It is hard to believe that it has been 6 months since Patt went to be with the Lord. This weekend, I encourage and challenge all of you to visit the tree that Allison has planted in memory of her mother. The beautiful oak tree was planted after Patt passed on the land that The Fellowship of Plum Creek purchased to build their first church. This church was very special to Patt and Allison ~ it is where I watched Patt fall in love with the Lord, where I saw Allison baptized, and where I always saw a smile on Patt's face throughout my years of attendance.

The tree is located in Kyle, TX on FM 2770 (Jack C Hays Trail) behind the Harrell Funeral Home. When you pull in the funeral home, the tree is back and to the left near the curb. There are pictures and rocks around the tree - and for this weekend only, there will be a box set up for you to share your thoughts.
Allison has been coping, grieving, and celebrating her mom's life through the strength of our loving Lord and through the encouragment and stories from those who loved Patt. I challenge each of you to stop by the tree this weekend. Feel free to bring flowers, pictures, a letter, or just yourself! You may find great peace by visiting Patt's tree, as Allison finds peace there often. I check on the tree and water it weekly and I have seen many people sitting by the tree reflecting on memories with Patt, and I have also seen families at the funeral home praying around the tree. It is amazing that Patt is bringing peace and comfort to everyone through this beautiful creation!! I will be picking up the box on Monday night and giving everything to Allison. If you live out of town or can't make it by, please reply to this email with encouragement for Allison or maybe a funny story about her mom...I'll be sure it makes its way into the box for Allison.

It has been such a blessing to watch Allison as she has grown over the last 14 years with Patt's diagnosis' and battle with cancer. Patt definitely raised an amazing daughter! Allison is glorifying the Lord and honoring her mother with the creation of this non-profit organization!! I encourage everyone to send in recipes for the cookbook :) Feel free to leave recipes at the tree this weekend or email them to back to us at You can also stay updated on the non-profit by reading becoming a follower of this blog @

Thank you for your constant love and support for Allison. I am honored to have her as my best friend and I have seen the impact that all your kind words have had on her. We all know that Patt would be very proud of the young woman she is today ~ and she would be absolutely beaming that Allison is living out HER dream of helping women and children with cancer.

Thank you for being a part of Allison's life as she continues to do great things to honor her mother!!

With Love,
Chelsea Bordovsky

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where did the last 6 months go?!

Wow...I can't believe it has been 6 months on Monday (July 27th).

I was hoping to get the cookbook ordered by June 15th, but with my internship this summer I have not been able to get it done. I am also needing about 100 more recipes to put in it before it can published! This is where I need help...if you have any family/friend recipes, I need them :)

You can email them to me at:

I am going to try to get all the recipes collected and the cookbook ordered sometime in August so they will be ready for the holidays. I think they will make great gifts for people!

I also know that I'm not the only one still grieving my mom so I want to encourage all of you to go visit the tree, especially on Monday. It's a great way to sit and pray, think, and remember her. It's my favorite spot in the world now! :)

We will be setting a box out at the tree for people to put letter's in over the weekend. Feel free to express yourself that way too. 

Love you guys,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cooking for a Cause!

Like I said in the last post, it was my mom's dream to start something to serve uninsured women and their families who have been diagnosed with cancer. She also loved to cook and started brainstorming ways to fund this non-profit dream and decided she wanted to create a cookbook from friends/family recipes to sell and raise the money. She spent the last couple years collecting recipes from people she loved. Thankfully I was able to find a lot of the recipes and information about styles that she liked when I went through stuff a couple months ago and I feel like I was able to pick up where she left off with ideas for the production of it. I also sent out letters to have people put advertisements in it to "sponsor" making the cookbook. We had a great turnout on businesses wanting to advertise in it! 

The cookbook will be called "Cooking for a Cause!" Thank you Audrey for this great idea for a name, it's perfect! 

My goal is to have 500 ordered by June 15 so that they will come in by August! I am in the process of sorting recipes, putting together the ads that people/businesses have put together to help fund the production, and filling out the ordering paperwork. If anyone has some spare time to type recipes into a software program or has a creative mind and wants to be a part of the production, I would love the help :) 

Also, I am trying to think of a name for the non-profit before June 15th, so it can be included in the cookbook. I want it to reflect being a faith based non-profit! Please leave your ideas on the blog!! 

In Him,